Leon Medica
Leon Medica's name appears on over 90 albums and 10 movies. He received an American Music Award in 1989 for producing Doobie Brother Tom Johnston's "Where Are You Tonight?" on the Dirty Dancing movie and the over 52 million-selling soundtrack. For his participation as manager of Anders Osborne, Leon received a 1998 Grammy Certificate for Keb Mo's Slow Down album and a 3 Million Platinum Album Award for the Tim McGraw and the Dancehall Doctors album. In 1989 he received a Times Music Award for Best Bassist, and Gambit Magazine's Song of the Century Award in 1999 for "New Orleans Ladies." Leon received a Letter of Appreciation from President Ronald Reagan, five USO Certificates of Appreciation, six DOD Certificates of Esteem, a Louisiana Music Association Lifetime Achievement Award, and is in the Louisiana Music Hall of Fame.
Leon received a Grammy nomination in January, 2007, for his work on Tab Benoit's Brother to the Blues album. Tab's follow-up album, Power of the Pontchartrain, also with members of LeRoux, was in the top 5 on Billboard's Blues chart for over 15 weeks. LeRoux recently recorded a live double album and DVD, Night Train to Nashville, with Tab Benoit, Jimmy Hall, Kim Wilson, Jim Lauderdale, Jeff Hanna, Waylon Thibodeaux, and Johnny Sansone, which has been released and ranks #1 on Billboard's Blues chart. Leon and members of LeRoux toured with Tab Benoit throughout the US, Canada, and the Caribbean through the end of 2008.